Saturday 7 June 2014

Ayurvedic Treatment :- JAUNDICE

Jaundice or icterus, is yellowing of the white portion of the eyes, skin, and mucous membranes that is caused by excessive amounts of bile pigments in blood tissues. These pigments, normally present in the blood because of the breakdown of haemoglobin, are filtered through the liver and excreted in faeces. The excessive accumulation of bile pigments is usually due to liver disease or hepatitis, in which case, the yellowing is referred to as Koshtaasrita kaamalaa in Ayurveda.
Saakhaasrita kaamalaa (surgical jaundice) on the other hand, refers to yellowing caused by an obstruction. Any thing from gallstones to a cancerous growth can cause the blockage and surgery is often required to remove it.
There are various types of hepatitis such as haemolytic jaundice, in which there is an increased production of bile pigment because of damage to red blood cells. Antibodies created by a mismatched blood transfusion can also cause damage.
Newborns can also have jaundice because of a condition known as hyperbilirubinemia. In these cases, there is a temporary defect in synthesis of the enzyme that breaks down bile to an excretal form.
Obstructive jaundice follows physical obstruction of the ducts that transport pigment from the liver to the intestine. Blockage can be due to gallstones, tumour, or inflammation.
Hepatocellular jaundice occurs when liver cells are damaged either by viruses or by excessive intake of alcohol.
The disease is common during the rainy season. Poor sanitation and overcrowding favour the spread of infection, giving rise to water-borne and food-borne epidemics.

Symptoms of hepatitis vary depending on the specific cause of illness (virus, bacteria, toxin, etc.) and flu-like symptoms, which may include—fever, a generally tired or ill feeling, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, diarrhoea, and muscle aches. There may be itching all over the body.
With significant liver inflammation, lever chemicals may build up in the blood and urine, causing the following symptoms: jaundice (a yellow tint to the skin and whites of the eyes). Bad breath, a bitter taste in the mouth, dark tea, coloured urine, and light clay-coloured stools. There is also pain or tenderness around the liver.

bulletMaintain personal hygiene and public hygiene.
bulletWash your hands before eating and after going to toilet.
bulletFollow sanitary methods while disposing the excreta.
bulletPurify your drinking water by filtration, adequate boiling, and chlorination.
bulletAvoid raw milk and shell fish such as oysters especially from unreliable sources.
bulletWhen you are away from home, you can take coconut water. Fruits will also help quench thirst. But all fruits should be washed and peeled personally with clean hands. Avoid having ready-made fruit juices or fruit salads, which are handled by others.
bulletYou may take tea or coffee because water is boiled before their preparation.
bulletWhen eating out, only fresh food served steaming hot, should be taken. All foods served cold should be avoided.
bulletIf you have a past history of jaundice, then you should not donate blood unless tested. Blood for transfusion and blood products must be checked for infection to prevent post-transfusion hepatitis.
bulletChoose safe sex. Practise monogamy with an uninfected partner, or use condoms.
bulletAvoid injecting illegal drugs.
bulletIf you are about to undergo a surgery, ask your doctor about donating some of your own blood beforehand. If necessary, this blood can be transfused back to you during surgery.
Ayurvedic Remedies

bulletIn Ayurveda, during the initial stages of jaundice, usually mild purgatives are given. This is to stimulate the function of the lever and to increase the flow of bile in the bile duct. Trivrit, Kutaki and Triphala are used for the purpose. You can use the root bark of trivrit and rhizome of kutaki, either separately or mixed together in a powder form. Daily take one to two teaspoonfuls with hot water. If you prefer to use triphala choorna, you can take one teaspoonful of the same with warm water, twice daily. Two compound preparations, that are commonly used to treat jaundice, are Avipattikara choorna and Aarogyavardhini vati. However, take them after consulting a physician.
bulletBhoomyaamalaki (Phyllanthus niruri), a small herb with numerous leaves, is commonly used in the treatment of all types of jaundice. One teaspoonful of the juice of the plant or fresh root in the form of paste can be taken thrice daily mixed with honey.
bulletPunarnava mandoor 1 tab thrice daily should be taken for 2 to 3 weeks. Navaayas Loha taken in the dose of 125 mg thrice daily is an effective remedy for Jaundice. Other useful medicines are Kumaaryaasava, Lohaasava and Punarnavaasava.

Home Remedies

Natural home remedy using tomatoes:

1. Take 4-5 tomatoes
2. Boil them in 500 ml water for 15 min
3. De-skin and crush the boiled tomatoes
4. Press them on a sieve and extract their juice
5. Drink the juice every morning on an empty stomach

Natural home remedy using almonds, dates, cardamoms, sugar and butter: 

1. Take 7 almonds

2. Add 2 dried dates

3. Add 3 small cardamoms
4. Soak them in water overnight
5. Crush them to make fine paste the next morning
6. Add 2 tsp sugar
7. Add 1 tsp butter
8. Mix well
9. Eat once every day

Natural home remedy using turmeric powder:

1. Take 1 glass water
2. Add 2 tsp turmeric powder
3. Drink the mixture 3 times a day

Ayurvedic Treatment :- Rheumatic Fever

Rheumatic Fever & Its Ayurvedic Management

Rheumatic fever continues to be a major health hazard world over. The disease has been described since the 1500s, but the association between a throat infection and rheumatic fever symptom development was discovered in the 1880s .

Although this burden of a disease has come down in developed countries, it continues to be a prominent cause of morbidity and mortality in the developing countries. It is an autoimmune disease that may develop as a complication of a streptococcus infection, such as strep throat or scarlet fever (caused by Streptococcus pyogenes or group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus). If it does develop, it will usually do so 2 to 3 weeks after the Group A streptococcal infection.
Rheumatic fever mainly affects children aged between 5 and 15 years; however, it can affect adults and younger children. The disease may cause long term effects on the skin, heart, brain and joints. Rheumatic fever may cause permanent damage to the heart valves (rheumatic heart disease). Rheumatic fever has the potential to cause heart failure, stroke and even death.

Signs & Symptoms

Rheumatic fever is a complication of strep throat. If your child has any of the following symptoms, a strep test is needed.
  • Sore throat or sore throat with tender and swollen lymph nodes.
  • Rash.
  • Trouble swallowing.
  • Thick, bloody discharge from nose.
A wide variety of symptoms are associated with rheumatic fever. An individual with the illness could experience a few, some, or most of the symptoms below. Symptoms usually appear 2 to 4 weeks after your child has been diagnosed with strep throat. Common symptoms include fever, painful/tender joints in the ankles, knees, elbows, and wrists; pain in one joint that moves to another joint; red, hot, swollen joints; small nodules (bumps) under the skin that don’t hurt; chest pain; rapid fluttering or pounding chest palpitations; fatigue; nosebleeds; stomach pain; shortness of breath; short attention span; sweating; vomiting; flat, slightly raised, ragged rash; jerky uncontrollable hand, feet, face movements; outbursts of crying or inappropriate laughter.
The following situations require that you seek medical advice and or attention:
  • Fever that is over 100 °F in newborns to 6-week-old infants.
  • Fever that is 102 °F or higher in babies 6 weeks to 2 years old.
  • Fever that is 103 °F or higher in children age 2 years or older.
  • Fever that lasts more than three days.

    Risk Factors

    Genetics:  Some individuals possibly carry genes (or a gene) that make them more susceptible to developing rheumatic fever. A person with a family history of rheumatic fever has a higher risk of developing it himself/herself.
    Type of strep bacteria:  Some strep bacteria strains are more likely to lead to rheumatic fever than others.
    Environment:  Such factors are overcrowding, poor sanitation and poor access to healthcare increase the risk of rheumatic fever.


    Rheumatic fever may develop as a complication after a throat infection with Streptococcus pyogenes, or group A streptococcus (a bacterium). Strep throat, and less commonly scarlet fever are infections caused by Group A streptococcus infections.
    Experts believe that the bacterium upsets the patient’s immune system. Strep bacteria have a protein which is similar to one found in some tissues in our body. Immune system cells that would usually target the bacterium may subsequently start attacking the body’s own tissues as if they were toxins or infectious agents, especially tissues of the heart, joints, CNS (central nervous system) and skin, resulting in inflammation.

    How is rheumatic fever diagnosed?

    The doctor will first want to get your child’s medical history, including his or her current symptoms. The doctor will also want to know if your child has had a recent bout of strep throat. Next, a physical exam will be given that includes the following.
  • Checking joints for inflammation
  • Looking for rash or skin nodules (hard bumps beneath the skin)
  • Listening to heart to check for abnormalities
  • Movement tests to determine nervous system dysfunction
  • Blood tests for strep bacteria
  • EKG (measures the electric waves of the heart)
  • Echocardiography (uses sound waves to produce image of the heart)

How to prevent rheumatic fever?

The best way to prevent rheumatic fever is to fully treat all strep throat and scarlet fever infections. Make sure your child completes all prescribed doses of medication. In addition, schedule a follow-up visit to ensure that your child is free from the strep bacteria antibodies.


Once developed, the symptoms of rheumatic fever can last for months. Rheumatic fever can cause long-term complications in certain situations. One of the most prevalent complications is rheumatic heart disease. Other heart conditions include:
  • Valve stenosis—a narrowing of the valve.
  • Valve regurgitation—a leak in the valve that causes blood to flow in the wrong direction.
  • Heart muscle damage—inflammation can weaken the heart muscle, which can decrease the heart’s ability to pump blood effectively.
  • Atrial fibrillation—irregular heart beat (in the upper chambers).
  • Heart failure—heart can no longer pump blood to all parts of the body.

    Ayurvedic Management of Rheumatic Fever

    In Ayurveda, rheumatic fever is called Amavata Jwara. Ayurveda emphasizes that rheumatic fever can be treated by leading a modified lifestyle and consuming proper diet along with some ayurvedic herbal formulations. The following are a few tips that it offers.
  • Always try to eat food which are easily digestible. Take food regularly at the stipulated time. Eat between 10 am to 12 am and 5 pm and 7 pm and take very light evening meals.
  • Fasting one day per week helps a lot.
  • Try to be in warm climate and totally avoid cold environments.
  • Keep your bowel movements regular and avoid constipation.
  • Maintain your height to weight ratio or body mass index.
  • Relaxation techniques are very helpful in managing stress that the patient undergoes as he has to live with this chronic disease.
  • Take walks or use a treadmill or stationary bicycle or water aerobic classes.
  • Do a regular yogic practice like pawanmuktasana that are meant for treating rheumatic fever.
  • Pranayama or breathing technique helps in digestion and also to fight the depression related to rheumatic fever.
  • Always have a wholesome diet which is nutritious that includes fresh and green vegetables, fruits.
  • Take chapattis, rice, millet, barley etc., but do not include milk and its products more in your diet.
  • Take a plenty of boiled vegetables but reduce intake of onions.
  • Avoid taking alcohol.
There are some Ayurvedic medicines available but they need to be taken only after consulting an Ayurvedic practitioner.

Friday 6 June 2014

Ayurvedic Treatment :- Breast Milk Inadequency


Nowadays, new-age mothers are unable to meet the nutritional needs of their infants through breast-feeding alone. Young women only produce about half to two-thirds as much breast milk compared to the required amount.
In addition, young mothers do not nurse as long or as often as the older Moms do. Ayurvedic texts identify certain causes for cessation of breast milk such as anger, grief, absence of affection for the child, fear, fasting, physical exertion, consumption of dry edibles, emaciation, and another pregnancy.

Significance Of Breast Milk
  • According to Ayurveda, breastfeeding is the easiest and the healthiest way to feed a newborn, as the milk is rich in nutrients.
  • Breast feeding reduces the chances of infection and increases the immunity of the baby
  • Breast milk contains vitamins, minerals and enzymes, which aid the baby's digestion.
  • The amino acids - the building blocks of proteins - present in breast milk are well balanced for the baby. These proteins aid the proper functioning of the baby's intestinal tract.
  • Breast milk is rich in lymphocytes and macrophages, which protect the newborn against intestinal inflammation.
  • Breast milk is a rich source of iron, which can be easily absorbed by the infant better than any other source of the mineral.
  • Breast milk promotes the overall health of the baby, which is one of the motives of Ayurveda.  
  • Since mother's milk is available at the optimum temperature that is most suitable for the infant, it is free from all possible sources of contamination.
  • The immunoglobulins (antibodies) present in the breast milk protect the baby from upper respiratory infections and gastro intestinal infections. This is the reason why breast fed babies stay healthier than their formula fed counterparts.
  • Studies suggest that the amino acid trptophan present in breast milk helps the baby to acquire sound sleep during the night time.
  • The hormone prolactin, responsible for the production of breast milk, functions as a natural tranquilizer for the mother and baby alike.
  • Formula-fed children are likely to become obese, when they reach the stage of adolescence. On the other hand, those fed with breast milk are less likely to be obese at their teenage.
  • Breast feeding plays a pivotal role in preventing various kinds of digestive diseases in the infant, such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. Childhood cancers are also prevented by breast feeding.
- See more at:
Significance Of Breast Milk
  • According to Ayurveda, breastfeeding is the easiest and the healthiest way to feed a newborn, as the milk is rich in nutrients.
  • Breast feeding reduces the chances of infection and increases the immunity of the baby
  • Breast milk contains vitamins, minerals and enzymes, which aid the baby's digestion.
  • The amino acids - the building blocks of proteins - present in breast milk are well balanced for the baby. These proteins aid the proper functioning of the baby's intestinal tract.
  • Breast milk is rich in lymphocytes and macrophages, which protect the newborn against intestinal inflammation.
  • Breast milk is a rich source of iron, which can be easily absorbed by the infant better than any other source of the mineral.
  • Breast milk promotes the overall health of the baby, which is one of the motives of Ayurveda.  
  • Since mother's milk is available at the optimum temperature that is most suitable for the infant, it is free from all possible sources of contamination.
  • The immunoglobulins (antibodies) present in the breast milk protect the baby from upper respiratory infections and gastro intestinal infections. This is the reason why breast fed babies stay healthier than their formula fed counterparts.
  • Studies suggest that the amino acid trptophan present in breast milk helps the baby to acquire sound sleep during the night time.
  • The hormone prolactin, responsible for the production of breast milk, functions as a natural tranquilizer for the mother and baby alike.
  • Formula-fed children are likely to become obese, when they reach the stage of adolescence. On the other hand, those fed with breast milk are less likely to be obese at their teenage.
  • Breast feeding plays a pivotal role in preventing various kinds of digestive diseases in the infant, such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. Childhood cancers are also prevented by breast feeding.
- See more at:
Significance Of Breast Milk
  • According to Ayurveda, breastfeeding is the easiest and the healthiest way to feed a newborn, as the milk is rich in nutrients.
  • Breast feeding reduces the chances of infection and increases the immunity of the baby
  • Breast milk contains vitamins, minerals and enzymes, which aid the baby's digestion.
  • The amino acids - the building blocks of proteins - present in breast milk are well balanced for the baby. These proteins aid the proper functioning of the baby's intestinal tract.
  • Breast milk is rich in lymphocytes and macrophages, which protect the newborn against intestinal inflammation.
  • Breast milk is a rich source of iron, which can be easily absorbed by the infant better than any other source of the mineral.
  • Breast milk promotes the overall health of the baby, which is one of the motives of Ayurveda.  
  • Since mother's milk is available at the optimum temperature that is most suitable for the infant, it is free from all possible sources of contamination.
  • The immunoglobulins (antibodies) present in the breast milk protect the baby from upper respiratory infections and gastro intestinal infections. This is the reason why breast fed babies stay healthier than their formula fed counterparts.
  • Studies suggest that the amino acid trptophan present in breast milk helps the baby to acquire sound sleep during the night time.
  • The hormone prolactin, responsible for the production of breast milk, functions as a natural tranquilizer for the mother and baby alike.
  • Formula-fed children are likely to become obese, when they reach the stage of adolescence. On the other hand, those fed with breast milk are less likely to be obese at their teenage.
  • Breast feeding plays a pivotal role in preventing various kinds of digestive diseases in the infant, such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. Childhood cancers are also prevented by breast feeding.
- See more at:
Significance Of Breast Milk
  • According to Ayurveda, breastfeeding is the easiest and the healthiest way to feed a newborn, as the milk is rich in nutrients.
  • Breast feeding reduces the chances of infection and increases the immunity of the baby
  • Breast milk contains vitamins, minerals and enzymes, which aid the baby's digestion.
  • The amino acids - the building blocks of proteins - present in breast milk are well balanced for the baby. These proteins aid the proper functioning of the baby's intestinal tract.
  • Breast milk is rich in lymphocytes and macrophages, which protect the newborn against intestinal inflammation.
  • Breast milk is a rich source of iron, which can be easily absorbed by the infant better than any other source of the mineral.
  • Breast milk promotes the overall health of the baby, which is one of the motives of Ayurveda.  
  • Since mother's milk is available at the optimum temperature that is most suitable for the infant, it is free from all possible sources of contamination.
  • The immunoglobulins (antibodies) present in the breast milk protect the baby from upper respiratory infections and gastro intestinal infections. This is the reason why breast fed babies stay healthier than their formula fed counterparts.
  • Studies suggest that the amino acid trptophan present in breast milk helps the baby to acquire sound sleep during the night time.
  • The hormone prolactin, responsible for the production of breast milk, functions as a natural tranquilizer for the mother and baby alike.
  • Formula-fed children are likely to become obese, when they reach the stage of adolescence. On the other hand, those fed with breast milk are less likely to be obese at their teenage.
  • Breast feeding plays a pivotal role in preventing various kinds of digestive diseases in the infant, such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. Childhood cancers are also prevented by breast feeding.
- See more at:
Significance Of Breast Milk
  • According to Ayurveda, breastfeeding is the easiest and the healthiest way to feed a newborn, as the milk is rich in nutrients.
  • Breast feeding reduces the chances of infection and increases the immunity of the baby
  • Breast milk contains vitamins, minerals and enzymes, which aid the baby's digestion.
  • The amino acids - the building blocks of proteins - present in breast milk are well balanced for the baby. These proteins aid the proper functioning of the baby's intestinal tract.
  • Breast milk is rich in lymphocytes and macrophages, which protect the newborn against intestinal inflammation.
  • Breast milk is a rich source of iron, which can be easily absorbed by the infant better than any other source of the mineral.
  • Breast milk promotes the overall health of the baby, which is one of the motives of Ayurveda.  
  • Since mother's milk is available at the optimum temperature that is most suitable for the infant, it is free from all possible sources of contamination.
  • The immunoglobulins (antibodies) present in the breast milk protect the baby from upper respiratory infections and gastro intestinal infections. This is the reason why breast fed babies stay healthier than their formula fed counterparts.
  • Studies suggest that the amino acid trptophan present in breast milk helps the baby to acquire sound sleep during the night time.
  • The hormone prolactin, responsible for the production of breast milk, functions as a natural tranquilizer for the mother and baby alike.
  • Formula-fed children are likely to become obese, when they reach the stage of adolescence. On the other hand, those fed with breast milk are less likely to be obese at their teenage.
  • Breast feeding plays a pivotal role in preventing various kinds of digestive diseases in the infant, such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. Childhood cancers are also prevented by breast feeding.
- See more at:
Significance Of Breast Milk
  • According to Ayurveda, breastfeeding is the easiest and the healthiest way to feed a newborn, as the milk is rich in nutrients.
  • Breast feeding reduces the chances of infection and increases the immunity of the baby
  • Breast milk contains vitamins, minerals and enzymes, which aid the baby's digestion.
  • The amino acids - the building blocks of proteins - present in breast milk are well balanced for the baby. These proteins aid the proper functioning of the baby's intestinal tract.
  • Breast milk is rich in lymphocytes and macrophages, which protect the newborn against intestinal inflammation.
  • Breast milk is a rich source of iron, which can be easily absorbed by the infant better than any other source of the mineral.
  • Breast milk promotes the overall health of the baby, which is one of the motives of Ayurveda.  
  • Since mother's milk is available at the optimum temperature that is most suitable for the infant, it is free from all possible sources of contamination.
  • The immunoglobulins (antibodies) present in the breast milk protect the baby from upper respiratory infections and gastro intestinal infections. This is the reason why breast fed babies stay healthier than their formula fed counterparts.
  • Studies suggest that the amino acid trptophan present in breast milk helps the baby to acquire sound sleep during the night time.
  • The hormone prolactin, responsible for the production of breast milk, functions as a natural tranquilizer for the mother and baby alike.
  • Formula-fed children are likely to become obese, when they reach the stage of adolescence. On the other hand, those fed with breast milk are less likely to be obese at their teenage.
  • Breast feeding plays a pivotal role in preventing various kinds of digestive diseases in the infant, such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. Childhood cancers are also prevented by breast feeding.
- See more at:

Significance Of Breast Milk
  • According to Ayurveda, breastfeeding is the easiest and the healthiest way to feed a newborn, as the milk is rich in nutrients.
  • Breast feeding reduces the chances of infection and increases the immunity of the baby
  • Breast milk contains vitamins, minerals and enzymes, which aid the baby's digestion.
  • The amino acids - the building blocks of proteins - present in breast milk are well balanced for the baby. These proteins aid the proper functioning of the baby's intestinal tract.
  • Breast milk is rich in lymphocytes and macrophages, which protect the newborn against intestinal inflammation.
  • Breast milk is a rich source of iron, which can be easily absorbed by the infant better than any other source of the mineral.
  • Breast milk promotes the overall health of the baby, which is one of the motives of Ayurveda.  
  • Since mother's milk is available at the optimum temperature that is most suitable for the infant, it is free from all possible sources of contamination.
  • The immunoglobulins (antibodies) present in the breast milk protect the baby from upper respiratory infections and gastro intestinal infections. This is the reason why breast fed babies stay healthier than their formula fed counterparts.
  • Studies suggest that the amino acid trptophan present in breast milk helps the baby to acquire sound sleep during the night time.
  • The hormone prolactin, responsible for the production of breast milk, functions as a natural tranquilizer for the mother and baby alike.
  • Formula-fed children are likely to become obese, when they reach the stage of adolescence. On the other hand, those fed with breast milk are less likely to be obese at their teenage.
  • Breast feeding plays a pivotal role in preventing various kinds of digestive diseases in the infant, such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. Childhood cancers are also prevented by breast feeding.
- See more at:

Significance Of Breast Milk
  • According to Ayurveda, breastfeeding is the easiest and the healthiest way to feed a newborn, as the milk is rich in nutrients.
  • Breast feeding reduces the chances of infection and increases the immunity of the baby
  • Breast milk contains vitamins, minerals and enzymes, which aid the baby's digestion.
  • The amino acids - the building blocks of proteins - present in breast milk are well balanced for the baby. These proteins aid the proper functioning of the baby's intestinal tract.
  • Breast milk is rich in lymphocytes and macrophages, which protect the newborn against intestinal inflammation.
  • Breast milk is a rich source of iron, which can be easily absorbed by the infant better than any other source of the mineral.
  • Breast milk promotes the overall health of the baby, which is one of the motives of Ayurveda.  
  • Since mother's milk is available at the optimum temperature that is most suitable for the infant, it is free from all possible sources of contamination.
  • The immunoglobulins (antibodies) present in the breast milk protect the baby from upper respiratory infections and gastro intestinal infections. This is the reason why breast fed babies stay healthier than their formula fed counterparts.
  • Studies suggest that the amino acid trptophan present in breast milk helps the baby to acquire sound sleep during the night time.
  • The hormone prolactin, responsible for the production of breast milk, functions as a natural tranquilizer for the mother and baby alike.
  • Formula-fed children are likely to become obese, when they reach the stage of adolescence. On the other hand, those fed with breast milk are less likely to be obese at their teenage.
  • Breast feeding plays a pivotal role in preventing various kinds of digestive diseases in the infant, such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. Childhood cancers are also prevented by breast feeding.
- See more at:
Significance Of Breast Milk
  • According to Ayurveda, breastfeeding is the easiest and the healthiest way to feed a newborn, as the milk is rich in nutrients.
  • Breast feeding reduces the chances of infection and increases the immunity of the baby
  • Breast milk contains vitamins, minerals and enzymes, which aid the baby's digestion.
  • The amino acids - the building blocks of proteins - present in breast milk are well balanced for the baby. These proteins aid the proper functioning of the baby's intestinal tract.
  • Breast milk is rich in lymphocytes and macrophages, which protect the newborn against intestinal inflammation.
  • Breast milk is a rich source of iron, which can be easily absorbed by the infant better than any other source of the mineral.
  • Breast milk promotes the overall health of the baby, which is one of the motives of Ayurveda.  
  • Since mother's milk is available at the optimum temperature that is most suitable for the infant, it is free from all possible sources of contamination.
  • The immunoglobulins (antibodies) present in the breast milk protect the baby from upper respiratory infections and gastro intestinal infections. This is the reason why breast fed babies stay healthier than their formula fed counterparts.
  • Studies suggest that the amino acid trptophan present in breast milk helps the baby to acquire sound sleep during the night time.
  • The hormone prolactin, responsible for the production of breast milk, functions as a natural tranquilizer for the mother and baby alike.
  • Formula-fed children are likely to become obese, when they reach the stage of adolescence. On the other hand, those fed with breast milk are less likely to be obese at their teenage.
  • Breast feeding plays a pivotal role in preventing various kinds of digestive diseases in the infant, such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. Childhood cancers are also prevented by breast feeding.
- See more at:
Significance Of Breast Milk
  • According to Ayurveda, breastfeeding is the easiest and the healthiest way to feed a newborn, as the milk is rich in nutrients.
  • Breast feeding reduces the chances of infection and increases the immunity of the baby
  • Breast milk contains vitamins, minerals and enzymes, which aid the baby's digestion.
  • The amino acids - the building blocks of proteins - present in breast milk are well balanced for the baby. These proteins aid the proper functioning of the baby's intestinal tract.
  • Breast milk is rich in lymphocytes and macrophages, which protect the newborn against intestinal inflammation.
  • Breast milk is a rich source of iron, which can be easily absorbed by the infant better than any other source of the mineral.
  • Breast milk promotes the overall health of the baby, which is one of the motives of Ayurveda.  
  • Since mother's milk is available at the optimum temperature that is most suitable for the infant, it is free from all possible sources of contamination.
  • The immunoglobulins (antibodies) present in the breast milk protect the baby from upper respiratory infections and gastro intestinal infections. This is the reason why breast fed babies stay healthier than their formula fed counterparts.
  • Studies suggest that the amino acid trptophan present in breast milk helps the baby to acquire sound sleep during the night time.
  • The hormone prolactin, responsible for the production of breast milk, functions as a natural tranquilizer for the mother and baby alike.
  • Formula-fed children are likely to become obese, when they reach the stage of adolescence. On the other hand, those fed with breast milk are less likely to be obese at their teenage.
  • Breast feeding plays a pivotal role in preventing various kinds of digestive diseases in the infant, such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. Childhood cancers are also prevented by breast feeding.
- See more at:
Significance Of Breast Milk
  • According to Ayurveda, breastfeeding is the easiest and the healthiest way to feed a newborn, as the milk is rich in nutrients.
  • Breast feeding reduces the chances of infection and increases the immunity of the baby
  • Breast milk contains vitamins, minerals and enzymes, which aid the baby's digestion.
  • The amino acids - the building blocks of proteins - present in breast milk are well balanced for the baby. These proteins aid the proper functioning of the baby's intestinal tract.
  • Breast milk is rich in lymphocytes and macrophages, which protect the newborn against intestinal inflammation.
  • Breast milk is a rich source of iron, which can be easily absorbed by the infant better than any other source of the mineral.
  • Breast milk promotes the overall health of the baby, which is one of the motives of Ayurveda.  
  • Since mother's milk is available at the optimum temperature that is most suitable for the infant, it is free from all possible sources of contamination.
  • The immunoglobulins (antibodies) present in the breast milk protect the baby from upper respiratory infections and gastro intestinal infections. This is the reason why breast fed babies stay healthier than their formula fed counterparts.
  • Studies suggest that the amino acid trptophan present in breast milk helps the baby to acquire sound sleep during the night time.
  • The hormone prolactin, responsible for the production of breast milk, functions as a natural tranquilizer for the mother and baby alike.
  • Formula-fed children are likely to become obese, when they reach the stage of adolescence. On the other hand, those fed with breast milk are less likely to be obese at their teenage.
  • Breast feeding plays a pivotal role in preventing various kinds of digestive diseases in the infant, such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. Childhood cancers are also prevented by breast feeding.
- See more at:
Significance Of Breast Milk
  • According to Ayurveda, breastfeeding is the easiest and the healthiest way to feed a newborn, as the milk is rich in nutrients.
  • Breast feeding reduces the chances of infection and increases the immunity of the baby
  • Breast milk contains vitamins, minerals and enzymes, which aid the baby's digestion.
  • The amino acids - the building blocks of proteins - present in breast milk are well balanced for the baby. These proteins aid the proper functioning of the baby's intestinal tract.
  • Breast milk is rich in lymphocytes and macrophages, which protect the newborn against intestinal inflammation.
  • Breast milk is a rich source of iron, which can be easily absorbed by the infant better than any other source of the mineral.
  • Breast milk promotes the overall health of the baby, which is one of the motives of Ayurveda.  
  • Since mother's milk is available at the optimum temperature that is most suitable for the infant, it is free from all possible sources of contamination.
  • The immunoglobulins (antibodies) present in the breast milk protect the baby from upper respiratory infections and gastro intestinal infections. This is the reason why breast fed babies stay healthier than their formula fed counterparts.
  • Studies suggest that the amino acid trptophan present in breast milk helps the baby to acquire sound sleep during the night time.
  • The hormone prolactin, responsible for the production of breast milk, functions as a natural tranquilizer for the mother and baby alike.
  • Formula-fed children are likely to become obese, when they reach the stage of adolescence. On the other hand, those fed with breast milk are less likely to be obese at their teenage.
  • Breast feeding plays a pivotal role in preventing various kinds of digestive diseases in the infant, such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. Childhood cancers are also prevented by breast feeding.
- See more at:
Significance Of Breast Milk
  • According to Ayurveda, breastfeeding is the easiest and the healthiest way to feed a newborn, as the milk is rich in nutrients.
  • Breast feeding reduces the chances of infection and increases the immunity of the baby
  • Breast milk contains vitamins, minerals and enzymes, which aid the baby's digestion.
  • The amino acids - the building blocks of proteins - present in breast milk are well balanced for the baby. These proteins aid the proper functioning of the baby's intestinal tract.
  • Breast milk is rich in lymphocytes and macrophages, which protect the newborn against intestinal inflammation.
  • Breast milk is a rich source of iron, which can be easily absorbed by the infant better than any other source of the mineral.
  • Breast milk promotes the overall health of the baby, which is one of the motives of Ayurveda.  
  • Since mother's milk is available at the optimum temperature that is most suitable for the infant, it is free from all possible sources of contamination.
  • The immunoglobulins (antibodies) present in the breast milk protect the baby from upper respiratory infections and gastro intestinal infections. This is the reason why breast fed babies stay healthier than their formula fed counterparts.
  • Studies suggest that the amino acid trptophan present in breast milk helps the baby to acquire sound sleep during the night time.
  • The hormone prolactin, responsible for the production of breast milk, functions as a natural tranquilizer for the mother and baby alike.
  • Formula-fed children are likely to become obese, when they reach the stage of adolescence. On the other hand, those fed with breast milk are less likely to be obese at their teenage.
  • Breast feeding plays a pivotal role in preventing various kinds of digestive diseases in the infant, such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. Childhood cancers are also prevented by breast feeding.
- See more at:
Significance Of Breast Milk
  • According to Ayurveda, breastfeeding is the easiest and the healthiest way to feed a newborn, as the milk is rich in nutrients.
  • Breast feeding reduces the chances of infection and increases the immunity of the baby
  • Breast milk contains vitamins, minerals and enzymes, which aid the baby's digestion.
  • The amino acids - the building blocks of proteins - present in breast milk are well balanced for the baby. These proteins aid the proper functioning of the baby's intestinal tract.
  • Breast milk is rich in lymphocytes and macrophages, which protect the newborn against intestinal inflammation.
  • Breast milk is a rich source of iron, which can be easily absorbed by the infant better than any other source of the mineral.
  • Breast milk promotes the overall health of the baby, which is one of the motives of Ayurveda.  
  • Since mother's milk is available at the optimum temperature that is most suitable for the infant, it is free from all possible sources of contamination.
  • The immunoglobulins (antibodies) present in the breast milk protect the baby from upper respiratory infections and gastro intestinal infections. This is the reason why breast fed babies stay healthier than their formula fed counterparts.
  • Studies suggest that the amino acid trptophan present in breast milk helps the baby to acquire sound sleep during the night time.
  • The hormone prolactin, responsible for the production of breast milk, functions as a natural tranquilizer for the mother and baby alike.
  • Formula-fed children are likely to become obese, when they reach the stage of adolescence. On the other hand, those fed with breast milk are less likely to be obese at their teenage.
  • Breast feeding plays a pivotal role in preventing various kinds of digestive diseases in the infant, such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. Childhood cancers are also prevented by breast feeding.
- See more at:
Significance Of Breast Milk
  • According to Ayurveda, breastfeeding is the easiest and the healthiest way to feed a newborn, as the milk is rich in nutrients.
  • Breast feeding reduces the chances of infection and increases the immunity of the baby
  • Breast milk contains vitamins, minerals and enzymes, which aid the baby's digestion.
  • The amino acids - the building blocks of proteins - present in breast milk are well balanced for the baby. These proteins aid the proper functioning of the baby's intestinal tract.
  • Breast milk is rich in lymphocytes and macrophages, which protect the newborn against intestinal inflammation.
  • Breast milk is a rich source of iron, which can be easily absorbed by the infant better than any other source of the mineral.
  • Breast milk promotes the overall health of the baby, which is one of the motives of Ayurveda.  
  • Since mother's milk is available at the optimum temperature that is most suitable for the infant, it is free from all possible sources of contamination.
  • The immunoglobulins (antibodies) present in the breast milk protect the baby from upper respiratory infections and gastro intestinal infections. This is the reason why breast fed babies stay healthier than their formula fed counterparts.
  • Studies suggest that the amino acid trptophan present in breast milk helps the baby to acquire sound sleep during the night time.
  • The hormone prolactin, responsible for the production of breast milk, functions as a natural tranquilizer for the mother and baby alike.
  • Formula-fed children are likely to become obese, when they reach the stage of adolescence. On the other hand, those fed with breast milk are less likely to be obese at their teenage.
  • Breast feeding plays a pivotal role in preventing various kinds of digestive diseases in the infant, such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. Childhood cancers are also prevented by breast feeding.
- See more at:
Significance Of Breast Milk
  • According to Ayurveda, breastfeeding is the easiest and the healthiest way to feed a newborn, as the milk is rich in nutrients.
  • Breast feeding reduces the chances of infection and increases the immunity of the baby
  • Breast milk contains vitamins, minerals and enzymes, which aid the baby's digestion.
  • The amino acids - the building blocks of proteins - present in breast milk are well balanced for the baby. These proteins aid the proper functioning of the baby's intestinal tract.
  • Breast milk is rich in lymphocytes and macrophages, which protect the newborn against intestinal inflammation.
  • Breast milk is a rich source of iron, which can be easily absorbed by the infant better than any other source of the mineral.
  • Breast milk promotes the overall health of the baby, which is one of the motives of Ayurveda.  
  • Since mother's milk is available at the optimum temperature that is most suitable for the infant, it is free from all possible sources of contamination.
  • The immunoglobulins (antibodies) present in the breast milk protect the baby from upper respiratory infections and gastro intestinal infections. This is the reason why breast fed babies stay healthier than their formula fed counterparts.
  • Studies suggest that the amino acid trptophan present in breast milk helps the baby to acquire sound sleep during the night time.
  • The hormone prolactin, responsible for the production of breast milk, functions as a natural tranquilizer for the mother and baby alike.
  • Formula-fed children are likely to become obese, when they reach the stage of adolescence. On the other hand, those fed with breast milk are less likely to be obese at their teenage.
  • Breast feeding plays a pivotal role in preventing various kinds of digestive diseases in the infant, such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. Childhood cancers are also prevented by breast feeding.
- See more at:
Significance Of Breast Milk
  • According to Ayurveda, breastfeeding is the easiest and the healthiest way to feed a newborn, as the milk is rich in nutrients.
  • Breast feeding reduces the chances of infection and increases the immunity of the baby
  • Breast milk contains vitamins, minerals and enzymes, which aid the baby's digestion.
  • The amino acids - the building blocks of proteins - present in breast milk are well balanced for the baby. These proteins aid the proper functioning of the baby's intestinal tract.
  • Breast milk is rich in lymphocytes and macrophages, which protect the newborn against intestinal inflammation.
  • Breast milk is a rich source of iron, which can be easily absorbed by the infant better than any other source of the mineral.
  • Breast milk promotes the overall health of the baby, which is one of the motives of Ayurveda.  
  • Since mother's milk is available at the optimum temperature that is most suitable for the infant, it is free from all possible sources of contamination.
  • The immunoglobulins (antibodies) present in the breast milk protect the baby from upper respiratory infections and gastro intestinal infections. This is the reason why breast fed babies stay healthier than their formula fed counterparts.
  • Studies suggest that the amino acid trptophan present in breast milk helps the baby to acquire sound sleep during the night time.
  • The hormone prolactin, responsible for the production of breast milk, functions as a natural tranquilizer for the mother and baby alike.
  • Formula-fed children are likely to become obese, when they reach the stage of adolescence. On the other hand, those fed with breast milk are less likely to be obese at their teenage.
  • Breast feeding plays a pivotal role in preventing various kinds of digestive diseases in the infant, such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. Childhood cancers are also prevented by breast feeding.
- See more at:
Significance Of Breast Milk
  • According to Ayurveda, breastfeeding is the easiest and the healthiest way to feed a newborn, as the milk is rich in nutrients.
  • Breast feeding reduces the chances of infection and increases the immunity of the baby
  • Breast milk contains vitamins, minerals and enzymes, which aid the baby's digestion.
  • The amino acids - the building blocks of proteins - present in breast milk are well balanced for the baby. These proteins aid the proper functioning of the baby's intestinal tract.
  • Breast milk is rich in lymphocytes and macrophages, which protect the newborn against intestinal inflammation.
  • Breast milk is a rich source of iron, which can be easily absorbed by the infant better than any other source of the mineral.
  • Breast milk promotes the overall health of the baby, which is one of the motives of Ayurveda.  
  • Since mother's milk is available at the optimum temperature that is most suitable for the infant, it is free from all possible sources of contamination.
  • The immunoglobulins (antibodies) present in the breast milk protect the baby from upper respiratory infections and gastro intestinal infections. This is the reason why breast fed babies stay healthier than their formula fed counterparts.
  • Studies suggest that the amino acid trptophan present in breast milk helps the baby to acquire sound sleep during the night time.
  • The hormone prolactin, responsible for the production of breast milk, functions as a natural tranquilizer for the mother and baby alike.
  • Formula-fed children are likely to become obese, when they reach the stage of adolescence. On the other hand, those fed with breast milk are less likely to be obese at their teenage.
  • Breast feeding plays a pivotal role in preventing various kinds of digestive diseases in the infant, such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. Childhood cancers are also prevented by breast feeding.
- See more at:
Significance Of Breast Milk
  • According to Ayurveda, breastfeeding is the easiest and the healthiest way to feed a newborn, as the milk is rich in nutrients.
  • Breast feeding reduces the chances of infection and increases the immunity of the baby
  • Breast milk contains vitamins, minerals and enzymes, which aid the baby's digestion.
  • The amino acids - the building blocks of proteins - present in breast milk are well balanced for the baby. These proteins aid the proper functioning of the baby's intestinal tract.
  • Breast milk is rich in lymphocytes and macrophages, which protect the newborn against intestinal inflammation.
  • Breast milk is a rich source of iron, which can be easily absorbed by the infant better than any other source of the mineral.
  • Breast milk promotes the overall health of the baby, which is one of the motives of Ayurveda.  
  • Since mother's milk is available at the optimum temperature that is most suitable for the infant, it is free from all possible sources of contamination.
  • The immunoglobulins (antibodies) present in the breast milk protect the baby from upper respiratory infections and gastro intestinal infections. This is the reason why breast fed babies stay healthier than their formula fed counterparts.
  • Studies suggest that the amino acid trptophan present in breast milk helps the baby to acquire sound sleep during the night time.
  • The hormone prolactin, responsible for the production of breast milk, functions as a natural tranquilizer for the mother and baby alike.
  • Formula-fed children are likely to become obese, when they reach the stage of adolescence. On the other hand, those fed with breast milk are less likely to be obese at their teenage.
  • Breast feeding plays a pivotal role in preventing various kinds of digestive diseases in the infant, such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. Childhood cancers are also prevented by breast feeding.
- See more at:
Significance Of Breast Milk
  • According to Ayurveda, breastfeeding is the easiest and the healthiest way to feed a newborn, as the milk is rich in nutrients.
  • Breast feeding reduces the chances of infection and increases the immunity of the baby
  • Breast milk contains vitamins, minerals and enzymes, which aid the baby's digestion.
  • The amino acids - the building blocks of proteins - present in breast milk are well balanced for the baby. These proteins aid the proper functioning of the baby's intestinal tract.
  • Breast milk is rich in lymphocytes and macrophages, which protect the newborn against intestinal inflammation.
  • Breast milk is a rich source of iron, which can be easily absorbed by the infant better than any other source of the mineral.
  • Breast milk promotes the overall health of the baby, which is one of the motives of Ayurveda.  
  • Since mother's milk is available at the optimum temperature that is most suitable for the infant, it is free from all possible sources of contamination.
  • The immunoglobulins (antibodies) present in the breast milk protect the baby from upper respiratory infections and gastro intestinal infections. This is the reason why breast fed babies stay healthier than their formula fed counterparts.
  • Studies suggest that the amino acid trptophan present in breast milk helps the baby to acquire sound sleep during the night time.
  • The hormone prolactin, responsible for the production of breast milk, functions as a natural tranquilizer for the mother and baby alike.
  • Formula-fed children are likely to become obese, when they reach the stage of adolescence. On the other hand, those fed with breast milk are less likely to be obese at their teenage.
  • Breast feeding plays a pivotal role in preventing various kinds of digestive diseases in the infant, such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. Childhood cancers are also prevented by breast feeding.
- See more at:
Significance Of Breast Milk
  • According to Ayurveda, breastfeeding is the easiest and the healthiest way to feed a newborn, as the milk is rich in nutrients.
  • Breast feeding reduces the chances of infection and increases the immunity of the baby
  • Breast milk contains vitamins, minerals and enzymes, which aid the baby's digestion.
  • The amino acids - the building blocks of proteins - present in breast milk are well balanced for the baby. These proteins aid the proper functioning of the baby's intestinal tract.
  • Breast milk is rich in lymphocytes and macrophages, which protect the newborn against intestinal inflammation.
  • Breast milk is a rich source of iron, which can be easily absorbed by the infant better than any other source of the mineral.
  • Breast milk promotes the overall health of the baby, which is one of the motives of Ayurveda.  
  • Since mother's milk is available at the optimum temperature that is most suitable for the infant, it is free from all possible sources of contamination.
  • The immunoglobulins (antibodies) present in the breast milk protect the baby from upper respiratory infections and gastro intestinal infections. This is the reason why breast fed babies stay healthier than their formula fed counterparts.
  • Studies suggest that the amino acid trptophan present in breast milk helps the baby to acquire sound sleep during the night time.
  • The hormone prolactin, responsible for the production of breast milk, functions as a natural tranquilizer for the mother and baby alike.
  • Formula-fed children are likely to become obese, when they reach the stage of adolescence. On the other hand, those fed with breast milk are less likely to be obese at their teenage.
  • Breast feeding plays a pivotal role in preventing various kinds of digestive diseases in the infant, such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. Childhood cancers are also prevented by breast feeding.
- See more at:
Significance Of Breast Milk
  • According to Ayurveda, breastfeeding is the easiest and the healthiest way to feed a newborn, as the milk is rich in nutrients.
  • Breast feeding reduces the chances of infection and increases the immunity of the baby
  • Breast milk contains vitamins, minerals and enzymes, which aid the baby's digestion.
  • The amino acids - the building blocks of proteins - present in breast milk are well balanced for the baby. These proteins aid the proper functioning of the baby's intestinal tract.
  • Breast milk is rich in lymphocytes and macrophages, which protect the newborn against intestinal inflammation.
  • Breast milk is a rich source of iron, which can be easily absorbed by the infant better than any other source of the mineral.
  • Breast milk promotes the overall health of the baby, which is one of the motives of Ayurveda.  
  • Since mother's milk is available at the optimum temperature that is most suitable for the infant, it is free from all possible sources of contamination.
  • The immunoglobulins (antibodies) present in the breast milk protect the baby from upper respiratory infections and gastro intestinal infections. This is the reason why breast fed babies stay healthier than their formula fed counterparts.
  • Studies suggest that the amino acid trptophan present in breast milk helps the baby to acquire sound sleep during the night time.
  • The hormone prolactin, responsible for the production of breast milk, functions as a natural tranquilizer for the mother and baby alike.
  • Formula-fed children are likely to become obese, when they reach the stage of adolescence. On the other hand, those fed with breast milk are less likely to be obese at their teenage.
  • Breast feeding plays a pivotal role in preventing various kinds of digestive diseases in the infant, such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. Childhood cancers are also prevented by breast feeding.
- See more at:
Significance Of Breast Milk
  • According to Ayurveda, breastfeeding is the easiest and the healthiest way to feed a newborn, as the milk is rich in nutrients.
  • Breast feeding reduces the chances of infection and increases the immunity of the baby
  • Breast milk contains vitamins, minerals and enzymes, which aid the baby's digestion.
  • The amino acids - the building blocks of proteins - present in breast milk are well balanced for the baby. These proteins aid the proper functioning of the baby's intestinal tract.
  • Breast milk is rich in lymphocytes and macrophages, which protect the newborn against intestinal inflammation.
  • Breast milk is a rich source of iron, which can be easily absorbed by the infant better than any other source of the mineral.
  • Breast milk promotes the overall health of the baby, which is one of the motives of Ayurveda.  
  • Since mother's milk is available at the optimum temperature that is most suitable for the infant, it is free from all possible sources of contamination.
  • The immunoglobulins (antibodies) present in the breast milk protect the baby from upper respiratory infections and gastro intestinal infections. This is the reason why breast fed babies stay healthier than their formula fed counterparts.
  • Studies suggest that the amino acid trptophan present in breast milk helps the baby to acquire sound sleep during the night time.
  • The hormone prolactin, responsible for the production of breast milk, functions as a natural tranquilizer for the mother and baby alike.
  • Formula-fed children are likely to become obese, when they reach the stage of adolescence. On the other hand, those fed with breast milk are less likely to be obese at their teenage.
  • Breast feeding plays a pivotal role in preventing various kinds of digestive diseases in the infant, such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. Childhood cancers are also prevented by breast feeding.
- See more at:
Significance Of Breast Milk
  • According to Ayurveda, breastfeeding is the easiest and the healthiest way to feed a newborn, as the milk is rich in nutrients.
  • Breast feeding reduces the chances of infection and increases the immunity of the baby
  • Breast milk contains vitamins, minerals and enzymes, which aid the baby's digestion.
  • The amino acids - the building blocks of proteins - present in breast milk are well balanced for the baby. These proteins aid the proper functioning of the baby's intestinal tract.
  • Breast milk is rich in lymphocytes and macrophages, which protect the newborn against intestinal inflammation.
  • Breast milk is a rich source of iron, which can be easily absorbed by the infant better than any other source of the mineral.
  • Breast milk promotes the overall health of the baby, which is one of the motives of Ayurveda.  
  • Since mother's milk is available at the optimum temperature that is most suitable for the infant, it is free from all possible sources of contamination.
  • The immunoglobulins (antibodies) present in the breast milk protect the baby from upper respiratory infections and gastro intestinal infections. This is the reason why breast fed babies stay healthier than their formula fed counterparts.
  • Studies suggest that the amino acid trptophan present in breast milk helps the baby to acquire sound sleep during the night time.
  • The hormone prolactin, responsible for the production of breast milk, functions as a natural tranquilizer for the mother and baby alike.
  • Formula-fed children are likely to become obese, when they reach the stage of adolescence. On the other hand, those fed with breast milk are less likely to be obese at their teenage.
  • Breast feeding plays a pivotal role in preventing various kinds of digestive diseases in the infant, such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. Childhood cancers are also prevented by breast feeding.
- See more at:
Significance Of Breast Milk
  • According to Ayurveda, breastfeeding is the easiest and the healthiest way to feed a newborn, as the milk is rich in nutrients.
  • Breast feeding reduces the chances of infection and increases the immunity of the baby
  • Breast milk contains vitamins, minerals and enzymes, which aid the baby's digestion.
  • The amino acids - the building blocks of proteins - present in breast milk are well balanced for the baby. These proteins aid the proper functioning of the baby's intestinal tract.
  • Breast milk is rich in lymphocytes and macrophages, which protect the newborn against intestinal inflammation.
  • Breast milk is a rich source of iron, which can be easily absorbed by the infant better than any other source of the mineral.
  • Breast milk promotes the overall health of the baby, which is one of the motives of Ayurveda.  
  • Since mother's milk is available at the optimum temperature that is most suitable for the infant, it is free from all possible sources of contamination.
  • The immunoglobulins (antibodies) present in the breast milk protect the baby from upper respiratory infections and gastro intestinal infections. This is the reason why breast fed babies stay healthier than their formula fed counterparts.
  • Studies suggest that the amino acid trptophan present in breast milk helps the baby to acquire sound sleep during the night time.
  • The hormone prolactin, responsible for the production of breast milk, functions as a natural tranquilizer for the mother and baby alike.
  • Formula-fed children are likely to become obese, when they reach the stage of adolescence. On the other hand, those fed with breast milk are less likely to be obese at their teenage.
  • Breast feeding plays a pivotal role in preventing various kinds of digestive diseases in the infant, such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. Childhood cancers are also prevented by breast feeding.
- See more at:
Significance Of Breast Milk
  • According to Ayurveda, breastfeeding is the easiest and the healthiest way to feed a newborn, as the milk is rich in nutrients.
  • Breast feeding reduces the chances of infection and increases the immunity of the baby
  • Breast milk contains vitamins, minerals and enzymes, which aid the baby's digestion.
  • The amino acids - the building blocks of proteins - present in breast milk are well balanced for the baby. These proteins aid the proper functioning of the baby's intestinal tract.
  • Breast milk is rich in lymphocytes and macrophages, which protect the newborn against intestinal inflammation.
  • Breast milk is a rich source of iron, which can be easily absorbed by the infant better than any other source of the mineral.
  • Breast milk promotes the overall health of the baby, which is one of the motives of Ayurveda.  
  • Since mother's milk is available at the optimum temperature that is most suitable for the infant, it is free from all possible sources of contamination.
  • The immunoglobulins (antibodies) present in the breast milk protect the baby from upper respiratory infections and gastro intestinal infections. This is the reason why breast fed babies stay healthier than their formula fed counterparts.
  • Studies suggest that the amino acid trptophan present in breast milk helps the baby to acquire sound sleep during the night time.
  • The hormone prolactin, responsible for the production of breast milk, functions as a natural tranquilizer for the mother and baby alike.
  • Formula-fed children are likely to become obese, when they reach the stage of adolescence. On the other hand, those fed with breast milk are less likely to be obese at their teenage.
  • Breast feeding plays a pivotal role in preventing various kinds of digestive diseases in the infant, such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. Childhood cancers are also prevented by breast feeding.
- See more at:
Significance Of Breast Milk
  • According to Ayurveda, breastfeeding is the easiest and the healthiest way to feed a newborn, as the milk is rich in nutrients.
  • Breast feeding reduces the chances of infection and increases the immunity of the baby
  • Breast milk contains vitamins, minerals and enzymes, which aid the baby's digestion.
  • The amino acids - the building blocks of proteins - present in breast milk are well balanced for the baby. These proteins aid the proper functioning of the baby's intestinal tract.
  • Breast milk is rich in lymphocytes and macrophages, which protect the newborn against intestinal inflammation.
  • Breast milk is a rich source of iron, which can be easily absorbed by the infant better than any other source of the mineral.
  • Breast milk promotes the overall health of the baby, which is one of the motives of Ayurveda.  
  • Since mother's milk is available at the optimum temperature that is most suitable for the infant, it is free from all possible sources of contamination.
  • The immunoglobulins (antibodies) present in the breast milk protect the baby from upper respiratory infections and gastro intestinal infections. This is the reason why breast fed babies stay healthier than their formula fed counterparts.
  • Studies suggest that the amino acid trptophan present in breast milk helps the baby to acquire sound sleep during the night time.
  • The hormone prolactin, responsible for the production of breast milk, functions as a natural tranquilizer for the mother and baby alike.
  • Formula-fed children are likely to become obese, when they reach the stage of adolescence. On the other hand, those fed with breast milk are less likely to be obese at their teenage.
  • Breast feeding plays a pivotal role in preventing various kinds of digestive diseases in the infant, such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. Childhood cancers are also prevented by breast feeding.
- See more at:
Significance Of Breast Milk
  • According to Ayurveda, breastfeeding is the easiest and the healthiest way to feed a newborn, as the milk is rich in nutrients.
  • Breast feeding reduces the chances of infection and increases the immunity of the baby
  • Breast milk contains vitamins, minerals and enzymes, which aid the baby's digestion.
  • The amino acids - the building blocks of proteins - present in breast milk are well balanced for the baby. These proteins aid the proper functioning of the baby's intestinal tract.
  • Breast milk is rich in lymphocytes and macrophages, which protect the newborn against intestinal inflammation.
  • Breast milk is a rich source of iron, which can be easily absorbed by the infant better than any other source of the mineral.
  • Breast milk promotes the overall health of the baby, which is one of the motives of Ayurveda.  
  • Since mother's milk is available at the optimum temperature that is most suitable for the infant, it is free from all possible sources of contamination.
  • The immunoglobulins (antibodies) present in the breast milk protect the baby from upper respiratory infections and gastro intestinal infections. This is the reason why breast fed babies stay healthier than their formula fed counterparts.
  • Studies suggest that the amino acid trptophan present in breast milk helps the baby to acquire sound sleep during the night time.
  • The hormone prolactin, responsible for the production of breast milk, functions as a natural tranquilizer for the mother and baby alike.
  • Formula-fed children are likely to become obese, when they reach the stage of adolescence. On the other hand, those fed with breast milk are less likely to be obese at their teenage.
  • Breast feeding plays a pivotal role in preventing various kinds of digestive diseases in the infant, such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. Childhood cancers are also prevented by breast feeding.
- See more at:
Significance Of Breast Milk
  • According to Ayurveda, breastfeeding is the easiest and the healthiest way to feed a newborn, as the milk is rich in nutrients.
  • Breast feeding reduces the chances of infection and increases the immunity of the baby
  • Breast milk contains vitamins, minerals and enzymes, which aid the baby's digestion.
  • The amino acids - the building blocks of proteins - present in breast milk are well balanced for the baby. These proteins aid the proper functioning of the baby's intestinal tract.
  • Breast milk is rich in lymphocytes and macrophages, which protect the newborn against intestinal inflammation.
  • Breast milk is a rich source of iron, which can be easily absorbed by the infant better than any other source of the mineral.
  • Breast milk promotes the overall health of the baby, which is one of the motives of Ayurveda.  
  • Since mother's milk is available at the optimum temperature that is most suitable for the infant, it is free from all possible sources of contamination.
  • The immunoglobulins (antibodies) present in the breast milk protect the baby from upper respiratory infections and gastro intestinal infections. This is the reason why breast fed babies stay healthier than their formula fed counterparts.
  • Studies suggest that the amino acid trptophan present in breast milk helps the baby to acquire sound sleep during the night time.
  • The hormone prolactin, responsible for the production of breast milk, functions as a natural tranquilizer for the mother and baby alike.
  • Formula-fed children are likely to become obese, when they reach the stage of adolescence. On the other hand, those fed with breast milk are less likely to be obese at their teenage.
  • Breast feeding plays a pivotal role in preventing various kinds of digestive diseases in the infant, such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. Childhood cancers are also prevented by breast feeding.
- See more at:
Significance Of Breast Milk
  • According to Ayurveda, breastfeeding is the easiest and the healthiest way to feed a newborn, as the milk is rich in nutrients.
  • Breast feeding reduces the chances of infection and increases the immunity of the baby
  • Breast milk contains vitamins, minerals and enzymes, which aid the baby's digestion.
  • The amino acids - the building blocks of proteins - present in breast milk are well balanced for the baby. These proteins aid the proper functioning of the baby's intestinal tract.
  • Breast milk is rich in lymphocytes and macrophages, which protect the newborn against intestinal inflammation.
  • Breast milk is a rich source of iron, which can be easily absorbed by the infant better than any other source of the mineral.
  • Breast milk promotes the overall health of the baby, which is one of the motives of Ayurveda.  
  • Since mother's milk is available at the optimum temperature that is most suitable for the infant, it is free from all possible sources of contamination.
  • The immunoglobulins (antibodies) present in the breast milk protect the baby from upper respiratory infections and gastro intestinal infections. This is the reason why breast fed babies stay healthier than their formula fed counterparts.
  • Studies suggest that the amino acid trptophan present in breast milk helps the baby to acquire sound sleep during the night time.
  • The hormone prolactin, responsible for the production of breast milk, functions as a natural tranquilizer for the mother and baby alike.
  • Formula-fed children are likely to become obese, when they reach the stage of adolescence. On the other hand, those fed with breast milk are less likely to be obese at their teenage.
  • Breast feeding plays a pivotal role in preventing various kinds of digestive diseases in the infant, such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. Childhood cancers are also prevented by breast feeding.
- See more at: 

bulletCertain food items such as grape juice, vegetables growing wild or on marshy land, water, cereals, fruits, meat, meat soup, milk, ghee, oil, garlic, onion, eatables and drinks that are predominantly liquid, sweet, sour and saline increase breast milk.
bulletCertain lifestyle changes such as taking rest, good sleep, happiness, and correct way of feeding will help.
bulletThink baby, think milk. While you are feeding, stroke and calm your baby using a lot of skin-to-skin contact. This will help your milk ejection reflexive.
bulletIncrease feeding frequency. Breastfeed your baby at least every two hours during the day and at least every four hours during the night.
bulletDo not wait for your breasts to “fill up” to determine when it is time for another feed.
bulletTry “switch nursing.” Allow your baby to finish the first breast before switching to the other side.
bulletTry “double-nursing.” After you feed your baby and it seems finished, hold, or carry him upright and awake for 10 to 20 minutes, allowing any trapped air bubbles to be burped up. This makes room for more milk.

Ayurvedic Remedies

Many ayurvedic herbs are credited with the ability to increase milk production; these are termed as the galatogogues. Some of the popular galactogogues are:

bulletFennel (saunf): Fennel seeds display mild estrogen-like properties. Try them for a tasty fennel tea. Use two teaspoons of crushed seeds per cup of boiling water, steer it for five minutes, strain, and sip. Have up to three cups each day.
bulletFenugreek seeds (methi daana): Mix half a tsp of powdered seeds along with dalia (cracked wheat) or rice porridge and eat daily.
bulletWild asparagus (Shataavari): In Sanskrit, shataavari means ‘one who possesses 100 husbands’. The name is symbolic as it is the main rejuvenating herb for the female. It increases the size and tone of the bust and the quality and quantity of milk in nursing mothers. Take one to two tsp of dried powder with milk, twice daily. A pinch of Pippali choorna may be added to enhance its bio-availability.
bulletJeevanthi (Leptadenia retuculata): The lactogenic effect of this plant has been clinically assessed by many investigators. A compound herbal preparation, Leptaden comprising extract of the plant is available in the market. The usual dosage is two tabs, three times a day.