Wednesday 25 June 2014

Ayurveda Treatment :- for osteoporosis


Osteoporosis is a state of decrease in the thickness of skeletal substance, diminishing its quality and bringing about delicate bones. Osteoporosis actually accelerates anomalous skeletal substance that is compressible, for example a wipe. This issue of the skeleton debilitates the bone and brings about a successive (breaks) in the bones. Typical bone is made out of protein, collagen, and calcium all of which give skeletal substance its quality. Bones that are influenced by osteoporosis can break (crack) with moderately minor harm that typically would not make a skeletal substance crack. The crack could be either in type of splitting (as in a hip break) or giving way (as in a clamping break of the vertebrae of the spine). The spine, hips, ribs, and wrists are normal territories of bone cracks from osteoporosis despite the fact that osteoporosis identified breaks can happen in just about any skeletal bone.

Osteoporosis Signs and Symptoms:

Symptoms of Osteoporosis :
Osteoporosis can additionally be available without any manifestations for a long time on the grounds that osteoporosis doesn't cause symptoms until bone fracture. Additionally, some osteoporotic fracture might escape location for a long time when they don't cause symptoms.
Along these lines, patients may not be aware of their osteoporosis until they endure an excruciating fracture . The symptom connected with osteoporotic fractures as a rule is pain; the area of the pain relies on upon the area of the fracture. Fractures of the spine (vertebra) can cause extreme "band-like" pain that radiates from the again to the sides of the body. Throughout the years, rehashed spinal fractures can lead to chronic lower back pain and additionally misfortune of height or bending of the spine because of downfall of the vertebrae. The breakdown gives people a slouched back presence of the upper back, regularly called a "widow bump" since it usually is seen in elderly ladies.
Osteoporosis in the vertebrae can cause serious problems for ladies. A crack here happens from regular exercises like climbing stairs, lifting protests, or twisting advance.
The most common pathology fractures ensuing from falls area unit in your gliding joint or hip. You are rather more possible to possess compression fractures in your vertebrae, the bones in your spine. A fracture is that the results of the weakened bone cracking from the traditional pressure of being upright. This usually leads to the curvature of the spine at the shoulders in older individuals typically referred to as a "widow's hump."
The appearance of a widow's hump or a broken wrist joint or hip from a fall could also be the primary actual symptoms of pathology unless your doctor has been measurement your bone density. Men additionally should look ahead to a loss of height, modification in posture or explosive back pain. There square measure variety of risk factors that increase an individual's probability of getting pathology.

Risk Factors for Women :
  • European or yankee ethnic background
  • Personal history of fracture as associate adult
  • Poor general health
  • Smoking tobacco
  • Estrogen deficiency
  • Early biological time, before age 45
  • Surgical removal of the ovaries before age forty five
  • Prior to change of life, having a time in your life once you went over a year while not a discharge amount
  • Taking medical medical care that lowers sex hormone levels, like for carcinoma or pathology
  • Lifelong low calcium intake
  • Alcoholism
  • Poor vision despite correction, like carrying glasses
  • Falling
  • Inadequate physical activity
Risk Factors for Men :
  • Heredity
  • Race White men seem to be at the best risk for developing pathology, though the condition will have an effect on individuals of all ethnic teams
  • Undiagnosed low levels of androgenic hormone
  • Falling
  • Inadequate physical activity
  • Age Bone loss will increase with age
  • Chronic unwellness that alters internal secretion levels and affects the kidneys, lungs, abdomen and intestines
  • Smoking tobacco
  • Alcoholism
  • Lifelong low metallic element intake.
Risk factors for both :          
  •  In addition, having a history of one of the subsequent diseases will increase each a lady and man's risk of developing pathology.
  • Hyperparathyroidism, having associate hyperactive parathyroid
  • Hyperthyroidism, having associate hyperactive thyroid
  • Severe diseases
  • Kidney failure
  • Pituitary tumour
  • Adrenal illness
  • Malabsorption
  • Multiple pathology
  • Rheumatoid inflammatory disease
  • Multiple malignant tumor
  • Lymphoma
  • Leukemia
  • Diabetes
    Types of Osteoporosis : 
     The most common cause of osteoporosis is age. The older you get, the more bone loss you are likely to have, especially if you don't take in enough calcium.As one gets older, the bones start becoming weaker to some extent. This is a natural occurrence and is quite common in today's elderly people. But in few cases, the bones become so weak and fragile that fractures occur. They can cracks and often break under their own body weight. In such cases, the people are suffering from a disease called Osteoporosis. This means the bones become so weak that small tiny pores are formed and they begin to erode more than necessary. The mineral density is reduced in the bones and this result in low bone mass and hence thinning of the bones occurs. Osteoporosis must be detected as early as possible and must be prevented in order to avoid further degradation of the bones. It generally occurs in the areas of hips, spines, knees and elbows. There are many treatments available to increase the bone mass density and to make them stronger. But most of the people today choose the natural method of treating the weakened bones and also prevent it from thinning further. Natural treatments to prevent Osteoporosis can be started at any point of time in the life and there is no need for one to wait in order to detect if he/she is suffering from this disease. There are many natural ways available to prevent the thinning of the bones. Regular exercise which involves strong movement of the legs and hands keeps the bones strong and fit. This increases the mineral density in the bones and would be highly beneficial when aging occurs. It helps the people avoid cracking their bones when they grow older. The types of exercises, intensity and frequency and duration of such exercises can be known from any doctor taking the suggestions and few precautions that might be involved.
    Home Remedies For Osteoporosis : 

    • Diet is of utmost importance in the treatment of osteoporosis.
    • Dairy products are good to have while suffering from osteoporosis.
    • Almond milk is also good product to treat osteoporosis.
    • Avoid meat within the diet. This can be to get replaced by the inexperienced leafed vegetables. This may forestall bones being hollow.
    • Dandelion tea is additionally aforementioned to be sensible for pathology.
    • Adopt a vegetable or beverage diet for five days. Heat water irrigation should be administered throughout the amount. Then, step by step embark upon a well-balanced diet. Emphasize on mineral wealthy foods.
    • Oats, rice, millet, barley, bitter milk product and foods made in carboxylic acid should be consumed in liberal quantities. Fruits like blueberries, raspberries, strawberries; helianthus seeds and herbaceous plant seeds; carrots, cabbage and inexperienced vegetables made in metal, magnesium, potassium and element are notably useful.
    • Supplement the diet with mineral with every meal.
    • Avoid gluttony and enormous meals. Chew food totally.
    • Pineapple contains metallic element that's helpful in interference and treatment of osteoporosis.
    • Regular workout prevents osteoporosis.
    • Walking, cardiopulmonary exercise and athletics are particularly helpful.
    • Almond milk additionally contains a major quantity of metal. Soak 10 almonds nightlong in water. Within the morning, peel them and mix within the liquidiser with a cup of heat milk. (You will use goat's milk or soy milk if you favor them over cow's milk.) Pour into a cup or glass, and add a pinch every of ginger, cardamom, and saffron. Drink doubly every day, before breakfast and before time of day.
    • Daily mastication a few of white herbaceous plant seeds within the morning provides a minimum of one,200 mg of natural metal. These seeds will not produce clogged arteries, as dependence upon metal from dairy farm merchandise could. This is often an efficient thanks to facilitate forestall pathology in biological time ladies.
    • However, simply taking metal might not be comfortable. at the side of it, you would like to bring some physical stress to the system through exercise.
    • Take one cup warm milk roast and grind one or two of herbaceous plant seeds, add one tsp of this herbaceous plant powder to take advantage of combine well drink it three times every day.
    • Soak seven almonds in water nightlong Peel the almonds successive morning mix them with cow's milk, goat's milk or soybean milk Consume this calcium-rich milk a day.
    Natural home remedy using milk and sesame powder: 

    1. Take 1 cup warm milk
    2. Roast and grind a handful of sesame seeds
    3. Add 1 tsp of this sesame powder to milk
    4. Mix well
    5. Drink 3 times a day

    Natural home remedy using almond and cow/goat/soy milk:

    1. Soak 7 almonds in water overnight
    2. Peel the almonds the next morning
    3. Blend them with cow's milk, goat's milk or soymilk
    4. Consume this calcium-rich milk every day.
    Ayurvedic Treatment for Osteoporosis:
    Vata body-type people in the vata stage of life are likely to experience loss of bone density at a higher rate.  Some of the behavioural patterns that can create an imbalance of vata in the body are being in stress or reacting to stress with anxiety, physical exhaustion, mental strain, lack of sleep, fear or shock. Thus, the risk for osteoporosis will be higher in persons with a vata body type, old people and women after menopausal age. For women, a regular menstrual cycle is important for building and maintaining bone strength throughout her reproductive years.
     Line of treatment:  Balancing the vata and nourishing the Kapha.
     Treatments - The treatment modalities includes panchakarma, external therapies, internal medications, Activities,  Advice of food and life style changes.

    Panchakarma – Basti

    Externally – Abhyanga, PPS, SSPS, Sarvanga Dhara, Kashaya Seka

    Internally – Combinations of herbs as Ashwagandha, Shatavari, Medicated ghee, Sallaki, Guggulu, etc


    Specific Asanas, Physiotherapy, Aqua Yoga

    Food and lifestyle changes:  specific to the individuals constitution, nature of work and geographical conditions.

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