Sunday 18 May 2014

Ayurveda and Sex

Ayurveda for healthy Sex life



Sex, according to Ayurveda, is as essential as food and sleep for human life. Ayurveda believes that sexual health is the most essential one for the individual health as well as the health of the society It is the urge for the most needed biological drive. Ayurveda strongly says that human sex is not merely a physical mating but is the union of two bodies, minds and souls.

Kamasutra, another ancient science of love and love making describes in detail a variety of factors involved in practicing safe and fulfilling sex and forms a vital part of Ayurveda. Removing the imbalances of three doshas or humors(vata, pitta, kapha) are preceded by Vajikarana Chikitsa (aphrodisiac therapy).
According to ayurveda, intake of cheese, milk, eggs and coconut milk leads to the improved sensation of the clitoris and reduction in the vaginal dryness in women leading to more sexual desire. This is because of the amino acid in these diets. Pine nuts helps to create a more sexual active partner because of the protein content in them. As by following ayurvedic sexual tips and advice you will be in a kind of routine that will help you a lot in balancing your life.

Ayurvedic Sex of Body , Mind and Soul

Ten Points of Ayurveda Sex to be Kept in Mind

1) Sex is an integral part of our life and daily routine(Dinacharya) in Ayurveda.

2) The ideal time for sex intimacy is night and after two hours of dinner since it is the time of kapha humor.

3) When  the sexual union is absolutely satisfying , developed over time, it bestows the couple with health and vitality.

4) Involving each other physically, emotionally and spiritually in the sexual intimacy can only give each of he partner the best results.

5) All the five senses should be involved in sex as touch, smell, food, music and ambience play a vital role in developing, increasing and prolonging intimacy.

6) Perverted or unsatisfying sex has adverse effects on mental and physical health, as it aggravates the vital energies or humors(doshas) and reduces immunity. When the vata humor is aggravated, it will make you more emotionally vulnerable and fear-prone; when pitta is aggravated, it will move you to anger and even frustration; and when kapha is increased,  it will make you more possessive.

7) The frequency of sex depends on the constitution of he body and seasons of nature. Generally kapha type people, who possess  more stamina than others, indulge in sex more frequently than the vata and pitta type people.

 8) Vata type people  might find satisfaction in changing partners. Pitta type people are usually in quest for more intensity I sex as it is difficult to quench their desire.

9) Ayurveda suggests foods such as milk, meat soup and boiled rice along with ghee, oil, meat juice, sugar and honey  facilitate the treatment.  It gives more emphasis is placed to relaxed, cheerful and contented mindset.

10) Use of Ayurveda medication (aphrodisiac supplements) can instantly induce sexual pleasure and excitement, increase sexual stamina and promote fertile seminal secretions.

Communicate with your partner : Open discussion of sex has become much more common in the last 40 years, But openly talking about your needs, desires and concerns with your partner can make you closer and help you both enjoy sex and intimacy more.

Talk to your doctor. Talking about sexual issues with your doctor can help you maintain a healthy sex life as you get older. Your doctor can help you manage chronic conditions and medications that affect your sex life.

Expand your definition of sex. Intercourse is only one way to have fulfilling sex. Touching, kissing and other intimate sexual contact may be just as rewarding for both you and your partner.

Change your routine. Simple changes can improve your sex life. Change the time of day when you have sex to a time when you have the most energy. Try the morning — when you’re refreshed from a good night’s sleep — rather than at the end of a long day. Try a new sexual position or explore other new ways of connecting romantically and sexually.

Stay healthy. Eating regular nutritious meals, staying active, not drinking too much alcohol, and not smoking or using illegal drugs are important for your overall health — and it can help your sexual performance. Follow your doctor’s instructions in taking medications and managing any chronic health conditions.


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