Thursday 22 May 2014



Patra panda sweda(ela kizhi) is a specialized therapy which is performed for the diseases related to Bones, muscles and nerves. Patra means leaves of medicinal plants. Pinda means a bolus. Sweda means Fomentation or sudation. The swedana karma or sudation therapy which is given by using a bolus which is prepared by the different combination of medicinal leaves which is processed with medicinal oil along with the medicinal herbs is called as patra panda sweda or ela kizhi. This procedure is unique, which comprises both snehana (oleation) and swedana (sudation) (snehayukta swedana)

Treatment procedure:-
The treatment procedure is divided in to three parts…
Purva karma(pre procedure)
Pradhana Karma(main Procedure)
Pashyat Karma(Post Procedure)

Purva karma (pre procedure) :-

Selection of the patient:-

Selection of the patient for this procedure is depend up on the diagnosis which is done with
Astha vidha pareeksha’s(eight fold examination)and Dashavidha Pareeksha’s(ten fold examination) which is done by a qualified physician

Selection of the medicine:-

Leaves of various plants which have the pharmacological and therapeutic property of relieving pain, inflammation and stiffness and also which can rejuvenate and strengthen the joints and soft tissue, stops the degeneration and improves the circulation are selected as per the condition of the patient depending on Rogi bala(Strength of the patient)Roga Bala(severity of the disease).
These leaves are chopped in to fine pieces and fried with the selected oil along with the other medicine which depends person to person’s condition and by the yukti(intelligent) of the qualified doctor, then they are tied in a cloth in the form of bolus.

Pradhana Karma(Main Procedure)

The person is made to lie on the droni, Abhyanga(massage) is performed for a few minutes with medicated oil followed with Ela Kizhi,where the bolus which is prepared with the medicated herbs is dipped in the heated oil and sudation is given to the affected part of the body.
Duration of the treatment—25 to 30 min.

Pashyat karma(post procedure)

After the treatment the person is advised to take rest for a while.

Benefits of Patra Pinda Sweda:
  • It strengthens and rejuvenates the bones, muscles and nerves
  • Strengthens the tissues
  • Increases the circulation
  • Provides color and complexion of the skin
  • Helps to Reduce pain, inflammation and stiffness of the muscles
  • Induces good sleep and reduces the stress.


  • Paralysis
  • Joint stiffness
  • Swelling
  • Sciatica
  • Cervical spondylitis
  • Lumber spondylitis
  • Back pain
  • Arthritis
  • Sprains and cramps
Mode of action:
This treatment acts as both Snehana and Swedana:
The therapeutic action of Ela kizhi is because of…
The pharmacological action of Herbal drugs which are used in the therapy therapeutic action of the procedure Sudation, which is performed in the therapy
Skin is a large, highly complex organ and structurally integrated organ system and the component of the skin are cutaneous membrane associated with hairs, nails and exocrine glands, the cutaneous membrane has two components, superficial epithelium or epidermis and the underlying connective tissue of the dermis.
The quality of the skin is supported by an extensive network of blood vessels branch, and sensory receptors that monitor touch, pressure, temperature and pain.
When the procedure starts, due to the increased temperature which is more than 2 to 3 c and because of the pharmacological action of the medicine vasodilatation will happen all over the body, as a result of vasodilatation an increased flow of blood through the area so that the necessary oxygen and nutrition materials are supplied and toxins are removed. The heat produced along with active ingredients of medicinal herbs helps to act as muscular relaxants, reduces the pain, inflammation and stiffness
Because of increased blood supply the metabolism will increase as a result the output of Free radicals which are responsible for the disease are removed from the cells and helps to nourish skin.
This therapy produce sudation effect because of the medicinal action and temperature and act as a counter irritant which is the thermal stimulus and may affect the pain sensation. And relieves the stress and induces good sleep.
Healing earth Multispecialty ayurveda hospital gives importance to the selection of the medicine, and while performing treatment, prescribed amount of heat is maintained to get optimal results and to avoid unwanted complications.

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