The goal of medicine is to prevent disease, restore health and reduce suffering. Understanding and appropriately treating pain is an important component of this goal. In allopathic science analgesics are given in the form of topical applications, is said to provide the therapeutic benefits by reaching the local tissue and with minimal side effects. Apart from treating pain they are also useful in treating various skin lesions, ulcers etc…
In Ayurveda the topical applications are known
as Lepas and this comes under the broad heading of Bahiparimarjana Chikitsa.
Skin is the largest protective barrier in the body which prevents invasion of
microorganism, foreign substances in the body. The main area of Bahiparimarjana
Chikitsa is Twak and the treatments like Abhyanga, Swedana, Pradeha, Parisheka,
Unmardana etc... according to disease
are known as Bahiparimarjana Chikitsa
Lepas are Just like the ‘Pastes
or Plasters intended with the Ointments’ of Western Pharmacopoeias, ‘Kalimbu,
Mezhugu and Vannai’ of Siddha Pharmacopoeia’, and ‘Merham and jimad of
Unani system of medicine’.
“द्रव्यमार्द्रं शिलापिष्टं शुष्कं वा सद्रवं तनु
देहे प्रलेपनार्थं तत् लेप: इत्युचते बुधै:” (द्र.गु.वि-यादव्जि)
Ardra dravyas or Sushka dravyas with water, are ground well and is made into a
paste and are used for external application are called Lepas.
“आलेपस्य च नामानि लिप्तो लेपश्च लेपनम्” (शा.स.उ-११/१)
The synonyms of Lepa are Lipta, Lepana,
Alepa etc..
In the context of Vrana lepana Bandana Vidhi Susruta tells
“अलेप आद्योपक्रम: एष सर्वशोफानां सामान्य: प्रधानतमश्च:” (सु. सू-१८/३)
First treatment to be done in sopha
is lepana and it is the most important one also...
Acc. To Sarngadhara Samhita – 3 types (शा.स.उ-११/१)
They are
Ø दोषघ्न लेप -1/4 angula thick
Ø विषघ्न लेप -1/3 angula thick
Ø वर्ण्य लेप -1/2 angula thick
2) Acc. to सुश्रुत – 3 types (प्रलेप /प्रदेह/ अलेप)
a) Pralepa: - “तत्र प्रलेप: शीतस्तनुरविशोषी
विशोषी वा ” (सु. सू-१८/६)
These are applied as cold(शीत), thin(तनु) and which dries either very quickly
or not (विशोषि/अविशोषि).Acharya
Sarngadhara explains Pralepa as विशोषि .
b) Pradeha:-
Acharya Susruta explains this as अविशोषि and this should be applied as Ushna ( in Vata
Kapha conditions) or Seeta ( in Pitta conditions). This can be applied either
Bahala or Abahu. It does Sodhana and Ropana and can be used in Vata Kapha
Pradhana Sopha.
Pradeha is also known as कल्क (since used in kshata) & निरुध लेप
“Yastu kshateshu upayujyate
sa booya kalka iti samjna labate” (A.S.u-30/7)
It removes the srava causes mridutva, does
Mamsapakarshana, Vranashudhi
Acharya Sarngadhara explains this as
Ardra, Ghana and Ushna
c) Alepa :-
तत्र रक्तपित्त प्रसादकृत् अलेप” (सु. सू-१८/६)
action , thickness ,etc.. will be moderate and is useful in रक्तपित्तधिक शोफ, अविदग्ध शोफ, and this is Dahakandu rujapaha , Tridoshasamana
.. This can be used in Shodhana of
diseases in Marma and Guhya Desha. Alepa
is considered to be त्वक् प्रसादनमेवाग्र्यम्
3) Acc. To Ashtanga Samgraha – 10 types
They are Snaihika, Nirvapana, Prasadana, Sthambana, Vilayana, Pachana,
Peedana, Sodhana, Ropana, Savarneekara
Pramana of Lepa
“तस्य प्रमाणं महिषार्द्र
चर्म्मोत्सेधमुपदिशन्ति ” (सु. सू-१८/११)
The thickness of Lepa should be
of Ardra Mahisha Charma
& Don’ts while applying Lepa
1) Do Lepa in
the pratiloma direction (सु.सू-१८/४)
प्रतिलोममालिम्बेत् - प्रतिलोमे हि सम्यक् औषधमवतिष्ट्ते
प्रविश्यति च रोमकूपान् स्वेदवहिबिश्च सिरमुखै:वीर्यम् प्रप्नोति”
By doing Lepa in the Pratiloma direction it helps the Oushadha to remain
there properly and allows it to enter the romakoopas and thereby veerya
entering svedavahi srotas
इति लोमाबिमुखमालिम्बेत्” (डल्हण)
2) Never allow Lepa to get dry
“न च शुष्यमाणमुपेक्षेत अन्यत्र
पीटयितव्यात् शुष्कोह्यपार्थको रुक् करन्ज”
Only allowed to dry for vrana
Peedana otherwise it will have less effect & causes pain
3) Don’t do Lepa at night
“न चालेपं रात्रौ प्रयुन्जीत,मा भूच्छैत्य
विहितोष्णस्तदनिर्गमात् विकार प्रवर्तिरिति” (सु.सू-१८/१२)
If applied at night due to the Seeta svabhava of rathri kala the ooshma
gets rodha and it will lead to Rogavridhi
Lepa can be applied in night, in
conditions like Apakwa Sopha, Gambheera Sopha, Rakta Sleshma Samudbava
4) Don’t apply Lepas which are old
“न च पर्यूषितं लेपं कदाचित् अवचरयेत्” (सु.सू-१८/१४)
5) Never apply Lepa on & on
without removing the earlier one
“उपरि उपरि लेपं न
कदाचित् प्रदपयेत् ऊष्माणं वेदनां दाहं घनत्वात् जनयेत् सहि”(सु.सू-१८/१५)
If applied so causes rise in temp., vedana,
daha & ghanatva
6) If a Lepa once becomes Sushka –Don’t use again as it becomes Nirveerya
7) A Lepa once applied becomes Sushka it should be
removed only after making it Ardra
“तमार्द्रयित्वापनयेत् तत् अन्ते अभ्यंगमचरेत्”
Once removed apply a little oil & do a
slight massage
“यथा अम्बुभि:
सिच्यमान: शान्तिमग्निर्नियश्चति
दोषाग्निरेवं सहसा प्रलेपाध्यै: प्रयोजितै:” (अ.सं.उ-३०/५)
Just like Agni getting shantha after putting water, Dosha also gets
pacified after lepana….
प्रज्ज्वलिते वेश्मन्यम्भसा परिषेचनं
प्रशमयत्यग्निमेवालेपनं रुज:
प्रह्लादने शोधने
च शोफस्य हरने तथा
उत्सादने रोपणे च
लेप: स्यत्तु तदर्थक्रित्” (सु.चि.१/१५-१६)
Lepa cures pain & causes happiness and is also useful in Shodhana,
sophahara, does utsadana and ropana of vrana…
Acharya Vaghbata explains about Mukhalepa Mukham
in Malayalam means face and Lepa, lepana means application of a paste. The herbal pack contains different herbs made into a paste. Now a days this has
been used more in the cosmetic aspects across the globe and different kinds of Lepas
for face are available. Vaghbata explains to use warm (उष्ण) Mukhalepa in Vata Kapha diseases and in Pitta conditions
and all other conditions as अत्यन्त शीतल
He explains 3 kinds of Mukhalepa
as namely 1) Doshahara 2) Vishahara 3)
of Mukhalepa
Vaghbata says to use Mukhalepa in
conditions like अकालपलित (Premature greying of hair) , व्यन्ग (Blackish pigmentation of the
skin) , वली (Wrinkles of facial skin) , तिमिर (Progressive cataract) नीलिक (Bluish discolouration) and यौवन पिडका (Acne vulgaris)
Contra Indications of Mukhalepa
It is contraindicated in पीनस (Chronic Rhinitis), अजीर्ण (Indigestion), दत्त नस्य (Immediately following Nasya
Karma), हनुग्रह (Lockjaw) , अरोचक (Tastelessness ), जागरित (Keeping awake at Night)
After Mukhalepa-Avoid
After Mukhalepa one must avoid the following
things like दिवास्वप्न (Sleeping in day time), अतिबाष्य (Excessive talk), अग्नि &आतप (Exposure to fire and Sunlight), शोक & शोक (Grief & Anger)
further explains
“अह:स्वप्नादि सेवनात् कण्डु त्वक्शोष पीनस
द्रुष्ट्युपघातादिभयं स्यात्” (अरुण दत्त)
Hemanta - Kolamajja, Vrishamoola, Sabara, Gourasarshapa
v Sisira - Simhimoola, Krishnatila,
Darvitvak, Nistusha Yava
v Vasanta - Darbhamoola, Chandana, Useera, Sireesha, Misi,
v Grishma - Kumuda, Utpala, Kalhara, Doorva, Madhuka, Chandana
v Varsha - Kaliyaka, Tila, Useera, Mamsi, Tagara, Patimukha
v Sarat - Taleesapatra, Gundra, Pundrahva,
Yashtimadhu, Kasa, Nata, Aguru
Some Lepa Yogas acc. To Ashtanga Hridaya
In Arshas Chikitsa Acharya explains to use the Lepa with
drugs mentioned in Pippalyadi Anuvasana thailam(Pippali, Madana, Vilwa, Satahwa,
Madhuka, Vacha, Kushta, Shunti, Pushkaramoola ,Chitraka, Devadaru). He Also
explains the use of Snuk Ksheera along with Nisa and Peelumoola, Vilwa and
Hingu as Lepa
In Kushta Chikitsa also many Lepa Yogas are told.
The famous Jeevanthyadi Yamaka is told here.The use of Guggulu Marichadi
Choornam with Chakrikathailam is explained in this context.
Also Snuhyadi Lepa is explained in Visarpa .For the preparation of Snuhyadi
Lepa, thick stems of Snuhi Should be taken. After removing the thorns, its pulp
should be taken out with knife and the hollow space thus obtained should be
filled with coarse powder of seeds of yellow Sarshapa and pulp of Snuhi. It
should be then kept in an oven at fixed temperature(800C) for about
4 to 5 days, till it become dry powder. Thereafter it should be
taken from oven, made in the form of powder and then filtered through
sieve. To this powder, Sarshapa oil was added in the ratio of 1:4 and filled in
cleaned bottles with tight lid. Before using it should be mixed well.
In Svitra Avalguja beejadi choorna (Avalgujabeeja-4pala, Harithala-1/4th)- Gavam
moothrena pishtam as Lepa. Another prayoga of Avalgujabeeja in Gajamootra is
also told. Another teekshna Lepa of Bhallataka
,Dweepi, Sudha, Arkamoola, GunjaPhala, Tryooshana, Sankhachoorna, Tutha, Kushta,
Panchalavana, Ksharadvayam, Langalika in Snuk,
Arka Dugda should be applied with Salaka only.
In VataVyadhi also Lepas with Grihadhoomadi Choorna is mentioned. Other commonly used Lepas include Jadamayadi
Choorna, Eladi Choorna, Kottamchukkadi Choorna, Rasnadi Choorna, Kumkumadi Lepa,
Kachooradi Choornam etc…
Acc. To Charaka Samhita
Charaka exclusively describes 32 choorna pradehas in the
3rd chapter of Sutrasthana- Aragwadeeyam. The Chapter Starts with a
pradeha containing Aragwadha in Gopitta to be used in various Kushtas and hence
the name. Kolakulathadi Choorna is told in this Chapter.
of the Yogas include
v Kushtahara:- Manasila +Harithala +Maricha + Arkapaya
v VataRaktahara:-GodhoomaChoorna+Ajapaya+Ajaghritam
v Vishahara:-Sireesham,Sindhuvara
v Jatararthi:-Yavachoorna+Yavakshara+Takra
v Shirorukhara:- Natholpalam+Chandana+Kushta+Ghrita
v Sareeradourgandhyahara:-
Lepas in Visha Chikitsa
Lepa is one among the
Chaturvimshadi Vishopakrama acc. To Charaka. The Yogas include Dashanga Lepa,
Nagaradi Lepa, Hingwadi Gulika etc…
In the Chapter Dhamani Vyakarana
Adhyaya Susruta explains dhamanis which are Oordhwagata ,Adhogata and
Tiryakgata. Here he explains 4 Tiryakgami Siras. Out of these 4,each divides
gradually hundred and thousand times and thus become innumerable: by these the
body is covered like network, bound and
pervaded their openings are attached to hair follicles which carry sweat and
replenish rasa inside and outside (“Swedamabhivahanti Rasam chabhitarpayanthi Antharbahischa…..”) ;
through them only the veerya of abhyanga,
snana and lepa enter the body after being transformed in skin; the same also
carry the sensation of touch pleasant or otherwise.
physico chemical properties of a drug in a topical dosage form affects that
drug’s trans-dermal delivery and topical bioavailability. The molecules of the
formulation after penetrating through the stratum corneum and hence, into
viable epidermis and dermis produces its characteristic pharmacological
response through receptors even before the blood and lymph circulations remove
it ,in which case it may set in a cascade of systemic effects .Though the horny
layer is very impermeable to most chemicals, contributing the rate limiting
step in transdermal absorption because of its high diffusional resistance,
providing a small fractional area of 0.1 % only as permeable appendageal shunt
route. Besides this route the drug molecules may penetrate through the hair
follicles and sebaceous glands or through sweat ducts also.
has addressed transdermal use of medicines in versatile conditions from
neurological affections to rheumatological conditions and also for skin
ailments in various modes and methods since time immemorial. Lepa done
externally through skin is only one example. Though the Lepas described in our
texts are effective, they are less used and less known. Knowledge of different
varieties of Lepas available in different forms may help future research
scholars and physicians to use it in an appropriate way
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