Thursday 22 May 2014

Ayurveda Therapy :- KSHEERA DHARA


Ksheeradhara is called as medicated milk bath. Let’s find the details about this Ayurveda Treatment.

What is Ksheeradhara?
Same relaxing treatment as Shirodhara but instead of herbal oil, herbal milk is poured over the forehead or over the whole body.  Ksheeradhara massage is an ayurvedic healing treatment that alleviates fatigue, improves memory and helps with lack of vitality.
It is also effective in curing insomnia, chronic headaches, ear and nose impairments. It is found to be very effective in providing a profound relaxed feeling to the central nervous system

What is  Ksheeradhara  Procedure ?
It is performed by pouring warm herbal milk over the patient’s body. Ksheeradhara involves two therapists that, along with the milk, pour warm ayurvedic oil over the patient. It is performed in seven standard massage positions in Kerala and lasts approximately 40 minutes.
Decoctions made of various herbs will be added to the milk.
Ksheeradhara is of two types – shirodhara and sarvangadhara. While shirodhara is carried out for the head, Sarvangadhara covers the whole body except head.  Ksheeradhara is effective in the treatment for hypertension, depression, anxiety, insomnia etc.

What is the indication of  Ksheeradhara – whom Ksheeradhara is advised ?
It is usually prescribed for the disorders of pitta,skin diseases, suffering from headaches, psoriasis,and auto immune disorders.

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